About the ISPA
This association was founded in 1932 under the name Iowa State Policemen's Association. The Iowa State Police Association was formed with the intent to benefit all of its members statewide. In 1990 the name of the Association was changed to Iowa State Police Association to reflect the influx of women into the ranks of Iowa's Finest.
Since it's inception, the Iowa State Police Association has worked hard to benefit not only the membership but for all law enforcement officers across the state. The Iowa State Police Association works in the state capital lobbying for changes in the law that will help street officers better perform their duties. The Iowa State Police Association also works to improve the pension that members receive when they retire. Often times the Iowa State Police Association uses a grass roots effort to pass on information to all members of the law enforcement community that is of particular interest to them. The Iowa State Police Association is proud to be the largest association of Law Enforcement professionals in Iowa.
“After considerable correspondence around the State, a meeting was called of the representatives of several Departments, and on December 16, 1932, the representatives made their way to the city of Des Moines and held a meeting. Everyone was agreed that we should have some kind of an order in the State that was really representative of the Policemen of the State, and, accordingly, the Iowa State Policemen’s Association was founded. It shall ever be the purpose of the order to work for the betterment of all police officers, and their families in this state.”
-Excerpt from the President’s report to the 2nd Annual ISPA Convention, September 1934
1932-1990 ISPA Logo 1990-Present