Pension Facts
Iowa Code Chapter 411
Retirement and Disability System for full time Fire Fighters and Police Officers employed by Cities
- MFPRSI retirement is 66% of high three-year salary average (not including overtime). Members are eligible at age 55 with 22 years of service. Additional 2% per year beyond 22 years of service, not to exceed 30 years of service, for a maximum benefit of 82% of a member’s high three-year average salary. This is taxable income.
- MFPRSI serves as the disability system for full-time Fire Fighters and Police Officers. Death benefits to surviving spouses and children are also provided by the system. Both the employer and the employee pay for this benefit. This saves the cities on workers’ compensation claims. Two fixes are needed for the disability system:
- “Member in Good Standing issue – members are considered guilty until proven innocent – the solution is to limit the loss of good standing only to termination and not any lesser form of discipline; and provide that good standing could not be lost until all administrative, court or contract appeals had been exhausted.
- Cumulative Injuries are not allowed – this prevents things like shoulder and back injuries as well as PTSD from being covered because the system requires a single event in order to receive the disability. The solution is to allow for cumulative injuries.
- MFPRSI members lack full Social Security benefits. Most Fire Fighters and Police Officers, covered by the MFPRSI, are not covered by, or eligible for full social security benefits. MFPRSI benefits may be their sole source of retirement income.
- No current State contribution, Fire Fighters, Police Officers and their employing cities pay contributions to the retirement system, however, once the employee retires the benefits are paid solely from MFPRSI assets, not from city accounts. We believe the state should reinstate its contribution.
- MFPRSI is healthy and sustainable. The system is 82% funded and has exceeded its actuarial assumptions since inception.
- MFPRSI contributes to Iowa economy providing reliable retirement security to 8500 members, paying $169 million in benefits. 86% of those funds remain in Iowa resulting in over $145 million of positive economic impact.