'Purple Heart' Award
The Iowa State Police Association 'Purple Heart' award was developed in 2013 for the purpose of honoring law enforcement officers who have been seriously wounded or killed in the line of duty as a result of a combat incident.
The Purple Heart award is granted to any sworn Iowa peace officer who has been seriously, critically, or fatally injured in the performance of law enforcement duty. In addition, this award may be conferred if an injury was averted by the wearing of body armor. This award will be given in all cases resulting in line of duty death, but will otherwise be limited to those cases involving an attack by an assailant or the performance of an act of valor.
Nominations must involve an incident or case occurring or concluding between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. The award will be presented to the recipient or posthumously to the law enforcement officer’s family at the annual Iowa State Police Association conference in October.
Please download the nomination form for more details on the nomination process.
Purple Heart Award Nomination Form