BOARD SPOTLIGHT By Zach Lewis, Past President The Iowa State Police Association (ISPA) once again was represented in Washington, D.C., during National Police Week. President Todd Thoeming and First Vice President Tim Pillack were sent to our nation’s capital to participate in lobbying efforts alongside the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO). In addition to our lobbying efforts, ISPA wanted to pay our respects and honor the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting their communities. Between October 2015 and November 2016, we lost six officers in the line of duty here in Iowa. We, as a board and as friends of the fallen, felt it was important to attend the events during National Police Week, especially the 29th Annual Candlelight Vigil. So, Dave McFarland, Josh Bell, Matt Harkin and I piled into a minivan and made the 1,000-mile trek to D.C. During the candlelight vigil, Adam Liddle, Susan Farrell, Carlos Puente-Morales, Shawn Miller, Anthony Beminio and Justin Martin all had their names read during the ceremony as those who were added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Also added to the memorial wall were several other ... |
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By Paula Feltner and Mike Heller, ISPA Lobbyists The 2017 Iowa Legislative session adjourned Sine Die on Saturday, April 22, with the House adjourning at 7:14 a.m. and the Senate wrapping up at 7:16 a.m. The session, which began January 9, lasted 104 days. It was the most active year for law enforcement in several years. The following bills are the most important and controversial bills passed by the 2017 session, dealing with safer roads, drugs, controversial prohibitions on worker's rights and issues affecting the jobs of public safety personnel. 24/7 SOBRIETY/SAFER ROADS: Senate File 444 establishes a sobriety treatment program that has been successful in other states to combat drunk driving. It also makes changes with hand-held communication devices if a Class C felony is committed. ... Read More |
COPS AGAINST CANCER NEEDS YOUR HELP Join us as we work to expand our mission statewide. The words "protect and serve" mean more than just responding in an emergency. As men and women who live by these words, you know it often means going above and beyond the call of your daily duties. That calling is at the heart of Cops Against Cancer, a faith-based nonprofit that provides financial assistance to cancer patients and their families. Craig Phinney, a retired Ankeny police officer, and his wife, Shirley, created the organization after seeing a need during Craig’s own battle with cancer. Read More |
LAW ENFORCEMENT NEWS Iowa man is sentenced to two life terms in killings of two officers Doughnut-filled campaign video by Iowa police departments goes viral Philadelphia police officer by day, undefeated fighter by night JetBlue honors NYPD’s heroes with painted plane Police departments offer to test 'gluten-laced meth' for free Video: Cop responding to noise complaint teaches kids how to salsa dance
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