87th Annual ISPA Conference, October 7-9, 2019
Plans for the 87th Annual ISPA Conference are wrapping up. Local #12 Waterloo is working hard to create an exceptional conference. You can see our schedule for Monday golf, as well as Monday and Tuesday evening events along with the agenda on the website.
Preregister for golf by downloading the entry form from the website. Contact Aaron McClelland mcclellanda@waterloopolice.com with any questions. Monday evening get in on the bags tournament at 6:30 pm in the parking lot. Entry Fee is just $10 per team / 2-Person Teams (We will match up singles if possible). If entered before ....
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By Melissa Henderson, ILEA Academy Council
There were several waivers requested from officers/reserves that were granted for short extensions. One thing to keep in mind that we discussed is making new police applicants meet all of the qualifications to include the physical requirements, and medical requirements (eye test, hearing etc) prior to them being hired and starting an academy.
Russ Rigdon the attorney with ILEA has been reviewing the 501 Iowa Administrative Code Chapters 1,2,3,6,7,8,10 and 16. He along with a committee have been reviewing the code and making some changes. Some of the major changes they have been working on is updating the academy curriculum and hours necessary for the long and short academies along with the chapter pertaining to “moral turpitude”...
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By Tim Pillack, Past President
The 2019 Purple Heart Award Recipient is Davenport Police Officer Ryan Leabo. Officer Leabo has been with the department for 3 years and is a member of the Iowa National Guard. Officer Leabo is currently assigned to the department's Neighborhoods Energized To Succeed (NETS) unit.
On April 25, 2019 members of the NETS unit observed two suspicious males in a high crime area. Officer Leabo exited his patrol vehicle and ordered them to stop so he could talk to them. They ignored Officer Leabo's numerous requests to stop. One subject, later identified as Brett Dennis, was wearing a small handbag. As officers got closer to Dennis, he took off running. As he was running down an alley, he was trying to reach into the handbag. While running from Officer Leabo, Dennis yelled at Officer Leabo to shoot him...
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By Chris Morgan, Local #55 West Des Moines
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the ISPA members that I have not already had the pleasure to meet and to announce that I will be running for the ISPA Executive Board at this year’s conference in October.
My name is Chris Morgan and I am currently a Detective for the West Des Moines Police Department. I have served the City of West Des Moines for the last 13 years. I have been an ISPA member since 2006.
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